FightThe story called "Fight" by Richard Wright is about a kid that is starting his first day of school. He feels uneasy and wonders about people starting fights. He thought about how the boys fight and if anyone would come up to him how would he react. Then it struck noon. At recess he starts to walk outside and two guys stroll towards him. The first thing he asked was "where you from?" The narrator replied by saying "Jackson". Then the guy said "How come they make you people so ugly from Jackson?" After that they started arguing and then pushing started. They tried to break it up but it was too late. The narrator punched the guy in the face. People started saying the fight was a tie. After school he started walking home. He found the ring in the street and made it into a weapon. Next day he went to school he challenged the guy to fight again and the guy said no because he proved his self worthy. The narrator reacted in a strong way. He wanted to prove himself. I knew that if he didn't fight the guy then more people would want to mess with him and if he lost the fight he knew that more people would want to fight him. It is a funny way to judge things but it's true. He didn't want to be seen as a coward either. I agree that he fought. Unless there was a huge consequence then i would of did the same thing. People like to push the limit sometimes. When that limit is pushed then fights break out. That's how it's been for thousands of years. I remember when I was younger I would react the same way. Now I'm older and have more to lose so I would have not reacted like that. When I was in 4th Grade I remember I had a friend that end up being one of my best friends. I was the new kid in school and he was known for being a bully. Me and him started hanging out. He wanted to find out if I was tough or not I guess. He put me in a choke hold and threw me on the floor. I thought he was playing. Until he tried to swing on me. I got real angry and started fighting back. I ended up beating him up. He started crying.I picked him up. Then he told me he was sorry. The narrator was appropriate because he waited for trouble to come to him. Before starting anything. He could of handled the situation better though by trying to ignore the other guy. At the same time he would still have to fight. It was either get bothered for the school year or stick up for himself and show that he is not a scared. It's like saying don't fight only if you really have to.