Barrio"The Confrontation" by Raymond Barrio is a story of a worker named Manuel trying to do his job. He is a fruit picker and he's having a problem at work. That problem is one of the bosses called Robert Morales is taking money out everyones pay. Robert takes a cut of his fellow Mexicans all the time. It's a hard job and Robert Morales is taking atleast 2 cents from everyone. This makes Manuel mad because Robert said he would take no cuts. Then Manuel thinks in his mind why should i let this guy get away with it. The anger makes him look at Robert in anger. Then he slips and kicks his fruit bucket by mistake. Then it gave him a good idea to do it again. After he started kicking the bucket. Robert decided no pay cuts. This story reminds me of the story "Fight" by Richard Wright. The think about this story is the actually did fist fight. In "The Confrontation" he fights but its by arguing and fighting for his honor. But in Fight the young boy has physical fighting. Some people say it's not good to have fist fighting. It's not good to have arguements either.If you do argue you can get your way more easier though.The similarity is that in both stories people fight for what they think they should fight for. The difference was Manuel had fought with words and non volience. In the other story the kid fought with anger and wanted to see who was going to attempt to see his fighting skills because he was the new kid at school. So who fought the first person to confront him. The thing is both characters fight but one does it with no violence and the other has to fight with violence. Manuel was at work when it happened so thats a whole different field. The kid was young and attend school at the time. Fighting and Confrontations are the same thing in certain cases. The thing is confrontation does not physically hurt someone. I think both are good in different ways. Fighting is only good when your young though. As you mature and get older you must learn to be more calm. That's why confrontation shouldn't happen either. where all older now.